Types of Girls: The Nerd

Miss Nerd is the genius type. She is able to give opinions on almost everything and spends her free time reading novels. She doesn’t necessarily hate fashion but doesn’t give much attention towards it.  Usually, she is kind, but her studies come first – anything else comes second. She is likely to have big dreams, and when she fails academically, she finds her sense of self-being diminished.


This type of girl secretly envies other ‘normal’ girls, although she claims that she doesn’t have any interest in love nor relationship at the moment.

Pros: This type of girl is quite easy to be wowed if you know the right moves. She doesn’t want another nerdy type of guy to be near her, so if you have a good sense of humor and can make her laugh, you’ll win her heart. Your parents like her because she’s decent, well-mannered and has a bright future. She’s the loyal type, her intellectual reasoning will make you look one level up among the professionals, and she’s a good supporter towards your career.

It turns out that nerds are looking for women that are clever, beautiful, accomplished, and generous. In short, they’re looking for my wife. She’s lucky she got me and not one of them. If you persist in looking for one of them, then as Evo suggests, give them no room for maneuver

You might think that nerds can’t get girlfriends, but nerds often have a lot of qualities that girls love, like intelligence, passion, and a good work ethic. Try to get out and meet some girls at school, while doing activities, or at social events.

Nerds have the wondrous ability to fall in love with hobbies, ideas, and whole universes that can provide deep meaning and joy. Thus, it’s not always necessary for them to find a significant other—and that’s fine. This quote demonstrates that it’s okay to feel no drive to find romantic love

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