Types of Girls: The Adventurous

Woman traveller

Miss Adventurous loves what most guys love. She is the sporty one, and she will be overjoyed to be having a date which consists of hiking or camping, or fishing or doing something new


Miss Adventurous doesn’t really care about how she dresses and doesn’t have any problem in getting her
hands dirty. She might have more male friends than female friends, but face it,
most girls do not like what she likes to do. Also, she likes to travel, and
watches science fiction movies and thinks that they are cool.

This type of girl is a lot of fun
to be with, and she can jump into guys’ conversations rather easily.

Pros: Your friends think that she is the coolest
thing on earth. Odds are she is a gamer herself, or at least has some knowledge
in games, and that fancies you. She accompanies you to your sports events, and
she doesn’t mind having a KFC dinner instead of eating out at those fine-dining
restaurants. She doesn’t spend much time in front of the mirror, and she will
not leave you waiting for another 30 minutes just to change her clothes for the
nth time.

Adventure is out there. If you’re feeling stuck in your life, odds
are, you need a change in your surroundings. You’ve somehow found yourself settled
in a place where you’re not truly happy, and need to do something different to
create a spark in your soul. Maybe you moved back to your hometown after
college, or relocated to a city that isn’t quite your vibe. Whatever your
situation may be, you could take a lot of tips from the girl
who likes adventure
. Her life is seemingly never dull, and
you’re tired of having a thousand worries in this world.

For some, the comfort of home is
always enough. They could spend hours hanging out on the couch, and are content
with their usual routine filled with coffee and good conversation. But for
others, inspiration runs out when they’re in a single spot for too long.
Wanderlust becomes too big to bear, and suddenly they’re booking plane tickets
to tropical places and exotic countries in hopes of finding something more.

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