Hair Care

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Everyone has become obsessed with their looks nowdays. Hair in particular, for this reason people try their best to make it look stunning. Hence, here are some advices to take care of your own hair .


First of all you need to choose your shampoo carefully, of course it can be based on your individual needs, but also you have make sure it really works for you; the thing is you should know your hair type then act accordingly.

Thereafter, i can say that it’s preferable to use hair masks before working out ; as the salt from your sweat can actually dry out your hair, but if you utilized it before, the elements push moisture into your strands and seal it in before the salt has a chance to dry your hair out, and the heat from your workout will allow the mask to work deeper then all you have to do is rinse and go.

And here’s another advice which is the most important one, don’t use shampoo so often; if you’re using it everytime you shower, well, stop it immediately, the process dries out your hair, making it hard to achieve shiny. instead use a little dry shampoo.

Also you’d better not use conditioner on your scalp , as the natural oil from your scalp iq more concentrated there.Putting conditioner near your scalp and roots can actually clog your follicles, and slow hair growth/increase oil production.

And the last tip is you will have to use layers when teasing your hair; teasing is the best way to give your hair a quick volume, but if done incorrectly, it will look like a bunch of tangles on top of your head not so flattering, using layers can prevent the unwanted peep-show and give the illusion of soft, bouncy hair.

We can add another suggestion such as Ace your brushing technique; For perfectly shiny hair, you should be brushing your hair twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed, for about a minute each time. So what’s the best technique? brushing from the roots causes damage – always brush from the bottom and work up, especially if you have long hair.

According to all the tips above I’ve suggested, your hair will look more shiny and stunning as you’ve always wished .

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