5 solutions to 5 possible problems with your cat

The solution to a feline behavior problem is sometimes much simpler than you think.


1. They do not go to the litter !

The larger the litter is , the better.A 60 L transparent plastic storage bin does the trick and costs less than litter !
The majority of cats hate covered bins: only the base is enough.
The number of bins arranged in the house must be equal to the number of cats plus one. The bins must be arranged in different rooms, and must never be located near the food of the animal.
The materials in the bin must be removed at least once a day.

2. My cats are fighting!

Most of the time, the aggression is caused by the fact that a new cat has been badly introduced into the family or by a problem of hierarchy and territory. You should never introduce two cats leaving them in the same room in the hope that they get along. It must be done gradually, in stages. The most common mistake is to intervene when cats quarrel. The felting, meowing and slapping on the muzzle are normal acts at the moment when they get to know each other and share a territory. it’s their way of setting the rules of the house.

3. My cat does not like people !

First, the cats adopt a behavior only if it brings back something to them. It is therefore important to use positive association methods to make a cat sociable. For example, give them treats when the someone comes or play with them: over time, they will most likely go see the guests to get their reward or to play. After several rehearsals, you will not even need to give them treats.

The key to success: proceed very gradually.
Is your cat scared or anxious? Ask the guests to ignore them completely, unless they come to see them themselves to be petted. some people insist too much on flattering the animal by using body language that the animal interprets as a confrontation (looking at the cat directly in the eye, for example).By ignoring them, the stranger will quickly make it clear to your companions that they are not threatening.

4. they never go silent !

If your cat meows at night, it’s often to catch your attention … and it works! The first time, you probably got up to see if something had happened to them. well, they still remember it and they repeat their mewing in the hope of attracting your attention again.

The solution? Ignore them: do not answer them, do not tell them to shut up, do not punish them, do not even sigh with exasperation. all these gestures give them the impression that they got what they wanted: your attention, whether positive or negative.

5. they are too annoying !

Some people will say that their cat is annoying when they climb the table, making them start running and playing in the middle of the night. however , from the point of view of your little companion, all these behaviors are fun and essential.To climb the table, for example, should not be forbidden to them (when you do not eat there, obviously!).

Your cat is really annoying? It is probably missing something in its environment or it does not do enough daily activities to spend its energy. Two gaming sessions of about 10 minutes a day are often enough to deal with behavioral problems.

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