7 tips to reduce the appearance of dark circles

If you’re facing some bluish (and unwanted) marks under your eyes, it’s normal. Perhaps one of these 7 tips will help you regain the natural radiance of your face.


1. A tea bag
Soak two green or black tea bags in hot water. Once cooled in the refrigerator, place the sachets on your puffy eyes.

2. Sunscreen
Apply cream before leaving the house. This could prevent you from ending up with hyperpigmentation under the eyes, often caused by the harmful effects of the sun.

3. The massage
Gently massage the underside of your eyes with eye contour moisturizer to stimulate circulation and reduce the appearance of puffiness.

4. Water
Too much alcohol or sodium can dehydrate and swell the skin around the eyes. Drink enough water and avoid alcohol.

5. Makeup
Apply a light powder on your face before using your concealer. Make sure it is neither too light nor too dark, as it may enhance the appearance of dark circles.

6. The ointment
Creams to treat hemorrhoids help to remove unsightly colors under the eyes. Apply a small amount of this product before your eyes before going to bed.

7. Cucumber
Used by our grandmothers, the cucumber will, in addition to reducing dark circles and puffiness, hydrate the eye area since it is composed of 95% water.

8. Sleep
There is nothing like a good night’s sleep to see these bluish marks disappear – quietly, but surely.

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